"Pâtisserie Vegan" (Bérénice Leconte)

Please note that this book is only available in French.

Engineer in food and health, Bérénice Leconte retrained in 2013 to become a pastry chef. In 2016, she founded VG Pâtisserie, the first 100% vegan pastry shop in Paris. With this book, Bérénice revisits and corrects the great classics of French pastry: butterless croissants, eggless macarons, milkless custard, mille-feuilles, financiers, or operas without dairy products…

In addition to 80 recipes, this book will teach you how to master the various essential techniques for successful vegan pastries, progressively. The first chapters are indeed dedicated to basic recipes (puff pastry, shortcrust pastry, brioche dough, praline,…) which will then be developed to diversify your desserts. For example, Bérénice explains how to succeed in making macaron shells and then offers you even more appetizing variations: chocolate-salted caramel, matcha, pistachio, choco-hazelnut, black sesame,…

Come on, let us whet your appetite… Here are some recipes featured in this book: apple and salted caramel charlotte, chestnut and maple syrup gingerbread, marbled chocolate vanilla cake, lemon meringue pie, vanilla-tonka crème brûlée, floating island, dark chocolate molten cakes, madeleines on chocolate shells, apricot turnovers… Isn’t life beautiful?