A Maison Marmite collection



An Astrological Culinary Journey by
Maison Marmite


Cooking with the Stars” is a culinary odyssey that invites you to explore the harmony between astrology and the art of cooking. Through a series of plant-based recipes, we offer you a chance to rediscover the zodiac signs from a gastronomic perspective, where each dish reflects the characteristics and nuances of each constellation.

In this celestial quest for flavors, Maison Marmite has partnered with Guillaume Cosnier, a professional astrologer, to weave together the threads between astrology and gastronomy. Each recipe becomes a reflection of the unique energies and attributes of the astrological signs, transforming the meal into an experience that nourishes both body and spirit.

Join us on this star-studded culinary adventure, where gastronomy meets astrology, and prepare to be inspired, amazed, and nourished, for “Cooking with the Stars” is a celebration of life, love, and the astral light that shines within each of us.

An Astrological Culinary Journey by
Maison Marmite


Cooking with the Stars” is a culinary odyssey that invites you to explore the harmony between astrology and the art of cooking. Through a series of plant-based recipes, we offer you a chance to rediscover the zodiac signs from a gastronomic perspective, where each dish reflects the characteristics and nuances of each constellation.

In this celestial quest for flavors, Maison Marmite has partnered with Guillaume Cosnier, a professional astrologer, to weave together the threads between astrology and gastronomy. Each recipe becomes a reflection of the unique energies and attributes of the astrological signs, transforming the meal into an experience that nourishes both body and spirit.

Join us on this star-studded culinary adventure, where gastronomy meets astrology, and prepare to be inspired, amazed, and nourished, for “Cooking with the Stars” is a celebration of life, love, and the astral light that shines within each of us.

At the Table of Signs

Each of the 12 zodiac signs, with their unique characteristics and particular energies, has guided us in creating recipes that reflect their essence. This collection is not just a tribute to astrology; it's an invitation to discover how flavors, colors, and textures can be harmonized to evoke the distinctive traits of each zodiac sign. Welcome to a world where gastronomy meets the stars.

Each sign will be published throughout the zodiacal year, starting with Aries in March, followed by Taurus in April, and so on, to celebrate each sign in its respective month.


Maison Marmite invites you to dive into the world of bold flavors to celebrate the sign of Aries. Inspired by the planet Mars and the god of war, Ares, Aries

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Let yourself be tempted by a unique culinary adventure with Maison Marmite, celebrating the sign of Taurus under the charming auspices of Venus. Known for their love of life and

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Known for their sharp wit and insatiable curiosity, Geminis lead us into a world where diversity and discovery prevail. The quintessential air sign, Gemini symbolizes communication, adaptability, and a perpetual

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Maison Marmite invites you to dive into a warm and comforting culinary world in honor of Cancer, the zodiac sign governed by the nurturing Moon. Known for their sensitive nature

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Maison Marmite invites you to a flamboyant culinary adventure in honor of Leo, this zodiac sign governed by the powerful Sun. Known for their charisma and generous nature, Leos lead

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Maison Marmite invites you to a culinary journey of finesse and balance, dedicated to Virgo, the zodiac sign governed by the precise planet Mercury. Known for their meticulousness and pragmatism,

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In collaboration with Guillaume Cosnier, we have created recipes that highlight the balanced and delicate flavors cherished by Libras. Each dish is designed to harmoniously blend ingredients, showcasing aesthetically pleasing

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Maison Marmite takes you on a bold and intense culinary journey in honor of Scorpio, the zodiac sign governed by the mysterious planet Pluto. Known for its passion, depth, and

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Maison Marmite takes you on a culinary adventure under the sign of Sagittarius, an unstoppable explorer governed by the expansive planet Jupiter. Associated with discovery, escape, and an insatiable curiosity,

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At the Confluence of Astrology and Gastronomy

Guillaume Cosnier

Driven by a desire to bridge different disciplines, Maison Marmite is thrilled to unveil an exclusive collaboration with Guillaume Cosnier, a professional astrologer. Together, we have created a collection of recipes inspired by astrology, aiming to enrich your table with dishes that resonate with cosmic energies. This innovative initiative seeks not only to delight your taste buds but also to offer you a new perspective on how astral influences can manifest in our daily lives, including in our diet. Before diving into this culinary and astrological adventure, we had the honor of speaking with Guillaume to discuss his journey, his inspirations, and how astrology and gastronomy can complement each other.

Background and Motivations

Can you tell us about your journey that led you to become a professional astrologer?
My father had quite a few different books on esotericism in his library, and since my childhood, I was much more attracted to these books than to biographies, novels, and the “classics” of literature. Then, life took its course through rather chaotic schooling, and I quickly found myself on a “professional path,” particularly in computer science. Esotericism was very far from me at that point. And one day, someone talked to me about the zodiac signs, astrology, and the natal chart. That day, as if by enlightenment, I knew I wanted to make astrology my profession! This began a sort of reconnection with esotericism that would never leave me…

What sparked your passion for astrology, and how would you define your unique approach in this field?
It’s the wonder of observing the magic of a “cosmic matrix,” a celestial order, an energetic mechanism that ultimately operates throughout the universe, whether on a micro or macrocosmic scale. We obviously find it in humans, in the collective, etc., like a fractal, and it sometimes allows us to understand that we too have a whole universe within us with our personal seasons, our particular cycles, our own rhythm, a unique vibration, a specific connection with the world, and a thousand other things. Discovering a being’s energy in all its dimensions and facets with the astral snapshot of their birth moment, that is, the moment they came into the world at a specific cosmic instant, is what fascinated and still fascinates me. It’s a joy to be able to understand an individual in their totality and thus to help them illuminate fields of perception unknown to themselves. Astrology helps to better know oneself, which allows expressing and living one’s full potential with full awareness.
I don’t know if I have a unique approach to astrology, but I would say mainly that astrology hasn’t conditioned my view of life and that it’s my experiences, my various influences in other areas, my multiple inspirations that “feed” and enrich the way I view and practice astrology. Too often, those passionate about astrology only “see” things through this prism, turning it into another form of conditioning, a systematic “reading,” with all the prejudices that may imply. This tendency can sometimes lead to “confinement” and all sorts of determinisms that disconnect from reality. Having one’s head in the stars too much, some lose touch with the earth! I think I try to bring reality back into astrology and not to distort reality to fit possible “astrological straitjackets.”

How do people react when they learn that you are an astrologer?
I believe I’ve encountered all types of reactions, from admiring astonishment to distrust, including misunderstanding. On social media, I’ve also experienced outright rejection, with insults to boot! But overall, people are curious and find it interesting and original. So, I’ve generally received openness, which seems logical in retrospect in a society in search of a broader meaning in life than the old and obsolete “metro, work, sleep”!

The Consultations

What are the most common topics discussed during your consultations?
Well, they relate to what most concerns individuals in modern society: professional, sentimental, and financial life. But spiritual matters are also very frequent, as well as self-realization from a perspective of “overcoming,” “evolution,” “fulfillment.”

Do you ever self-censor during a consultation?
Yes, it can happen because there are delicate subjects to address, such as issues related to death, for example, where I know the person will not be able, at that point in their life, to handle certain information. The astrologer must show psychology and sensitivity. They do not have “machines” in front of them to whom they can “throw” anything and everything, any which way.

Do you use astrology for yourself or your loved ones?
There’s a saying that “the shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot,” and well, it’s a bit like that here! I use it for myself but quite sparingly. For my loved ones, if there’s no request on their part, I don’t use it or only for my personal research, within the context of observation.

Astrology and Daily Life

How does astrology integrate into your daily life?
It’s surely integrated everywhere without me being truly aware of it today, but as I mentioned earlier, I also do not fanaticize my life with astrology. The upcoming Mercury retrograde won’t stop me from doing my shopping, for example! I like when life unfolds without necessarily trying to control it. It mainly allows me to observe and understand the processes at work in everyday life and just be enchanted by that!

Can you share some concrete examples where astrology has helped you or someone else overcome a challenge?
Yes, of course. I’ll take my personal example. I didn’t follow a literary curriculum, I wrote very poorly, and yet I loved writing little texts on my own. My schooling did not help me in this, on the contrary, and I thus generated a complex related to writing, even fearing expressing myself in front of others. And thanks to the understanding of my astrological chart, I was able to better identify this issue and become aware that, in the end, I could develop real writing skills despite what I thought of myself at that level. So, I dedicated myself more diligently, and today, I have been writing astrological articles for years for which I have often been praised for the style and writing quality. Tomorrow, at the end of May, I will even release a book (“The Super Powers of the Zodiac”) with a publisher! Me, writing a book? No one would have bet a penny on it at a certain time, and I was the first among them! And yet, astrology has indeed helped me take that step!

Culinary and Astrological Collaboration

How did the idea of collaborating on a project that combines astrology with gastronomy come about?
During a consultation discussion with the interviewer of this site, so you, Eric Rozen! It happened very simply and naturally during our exchange, it seems to me. Just like that, an idea popped up, and voila, the collaboration was launched! I really enjoy associating astrology with other disciplines; I find it makes it more lively. So, I’m throwing the gauntlet to other potential collaborators for this type of astrology/diverse activities project!

Can we really generalize each sign?
In fact, a zodiac sign is an archetype, a particular energy that represents a number of specific characteristics. It’s a letter of the cosmic alphabet, a particular ingredient in a recipe, a musical note in a melody. And an individual is not an archetype; they are the fruit of the interaction between different archetypes! We are a “mixture” of archetypes, a bit of this, a bit more of that, and in the end, our “mixture” becomes a “recipe” unique in itself. That changes everything! Often people say “you are such a sign,” but it doesn’t mean anything. It simply means that at the time of birth, the Sun was in a certain zodiac sign, that’s all. But at the time of birth, all the other planets in the solar system were also in other zodiac signs. And it’s this set of planets in signs (among others), the “astral sky,” the “birth chart,” that gives the individual their particular color, not just the position of the Sun. Even if we may inherit some specifics, we are thus much more complex and nuanced than our solar sign and any archetype!

To choose a recipe, should one base it on their sign, their ascendant, or other astrological aspects?
Indeed, I think the question is more complex than it seems. In theory, the solar sign and Ascendant should count for a lot, but in my opinion, it would be more interesting to observe the planetary position of the Moon, Venus, and Ceres because, each in their own way, they are closely related to food. With this idea, one should also take a look at how Houses 2 and 6 in our birth charts are “configured.” They should have a lot to teach us about our ideal diet.

The Past, Present, and Future

Is it possible to make connections between major events in human history and astrology?
Yes, of course! Let’s take an easily identifiable example: for instance, the beginning of Christianity corresponds with the start of the “Age of Pisces”. I’ll let you make the connections between “Pisces and Christianity”, and if you do, you’ll notice that there are many, both from a symbolic and literal perspective.

Can you give us some predictions for 2024 or 2025?
I don’t really like the term prediction but prefer to speak of “general trends”. For 2024 and 2025, these two years will be astrologically marked mainly by the transit of Pluto into Aquarius, and this for a duration of about twenty years, which is not insignificant! Overall, this potentially heralds huge quantum leaps in technologies, revolutions in many areas, especially politics, with significant changes in global power dynamics (end of certain empires, emergence of new ones), or even incredible discoveries that liberate humanity’s prospects to levels never seen before! We may therefore go through extremely tense, explosive periods, leading us to the brink, but ultimately, the promise of a better world will be real, much more tangible and closer than all the apocalypses one could have expected. These next two years will thus be above all under “very high tension” but will reserve their share of revelations that will change many things afterwards for many of us! There’s a chance that the coming Times will be biblical!

Find Guillaume Cosnier on his official website.

Our Other Collections

At Maison Marmite, we believe in the magic of culinary diversity. Each collection we create is a unique gastronomic journey, exploring flavors and traditions from different cultures and eras. Our collections are not just assortments of recipes; they are culinary narratives that invite you on a sensory journey through time and space.

The Ice Banquets

This unusual story of environmentally respectful Northern warriors sparked the creative inspiration behind our recipe selection. In this collection, each dish is a celebration of

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