The Vegan Express

Wraps are a modern culinary innovation that originated in the United States, combining the convenience of rolled sandwiches with the influence of Mexican tacos. Since...

Facile à préparer, "The Galactic Bean Burger" n'est pas juste un repas; c'est une expérience originale, une invitation à embarquer pour un voyage culinaire où chaque bouchée est un pas de plus vers l'inconnu. Laissez-vous tenter par cette création simple mais innovante! Alors, prêt à décoller vers les étoiles?

Embark on a culinary adventure with our Spicy baked sweet potato chips, a recipe that combines simplicity with a burst of flavors. This dish is...

Crafted by Maison Marmite, this recipe blends traditional Indian culinary art with a staple of Western cuisine. The Chennai Masala Burger invites you to explore...

Today's star is the black bean, the Black Prince of the pulses! It hails from South America and is less popular in Europe than its...

The discovery of aquafaba has allowed us to “veganise” quite a few dishes, among them mayonnaise but… cuisine is not an exact science and mayonnaise...

Even if the burger isn’t a particularly Japanese specialty, the Testuo Burger is a tribute to the land of the rising sun. The main ingredient...