Chickpea and black olive spread is a simple yet flavorful dish, perfect as an appetizer or starter. Creamy and rich in taste, this vegan dip...
Macarons, those small, round, and colorful delights, are emblematic of French patisserie. Their origin dates back to the Italian Renaissance, where they were prepared by the monks of the Cormery monastery. It wasn't until the 18th century that macarons evolved in France into the elegant pastries we know today. Pierre Desfontaines, a pastry chef at Ladurée, is often credited with popularizing the Parisian macaron, featuring double shells with a creamy filling. Today, macarons are cherished worldwide for their delicate texture and endless array of flavors.
Mini-quiches with spinach are a delightful vegan variation of the classic French quiche, offering a light and nutritious option perfect for appetizers, picnics, or meals...
Ravioli, those small treasures of global cuisine, have traversed seas and mountains, from Italy to Asia, capturing hearts and palates wherever they go. Cherished for...
Perfect for those looking to impress their guests with an appetizer that is both simple and refined, this Red Beet Carpaccio combines the natural sweetness...
This recipe for Grilled bell pepper bruschettas with black olive tapenade is a starter that captures the essence of Italian cuisine while adding a touch...
Discover our recipe for Pears Flambéed with Maple Syrup and Toasted Almonds, a simple dessert that combines the sweetness of pears with the rich aroma...
As an integral part of the "The Breath of the Dragon" collection, inspired by the grandeur of ancient China, Maison Marmite is proud to present...