Arcana Fungorum

Ravioli, those delightful pockets of Italian cuisine, trace their origins back to the Middle Ages. Traditionally filled with meat, vegetables, or cheese, they were prepared...

Mushroom stew with roasted potatoes is a comforting, flavor-packed dish, perfect for days when you crave something simple yet satisfying. This rustic recipe combines crispy...

Wild mushroom and herb tartlets are a true tribute to the flavors of the forest. With their rustic shortcrust pastry base and delicately seasoned mushroom...

The mushroom and potato stew is a comforting dish that draws its origins from the traditional cuisines of Nordic countries. Inspired by the richness of...

Sushi, a staple of Japanese cuisine, is reinvented here in a plant-based version that is just as delicious and elegant as the classic recipe. This...

Steamed dumplings with spinach and shiitake mushrooms, also known as dim sum, are a true celebration of the delicate flavors and textures of Chinese cuisine....

Dim sum, those delicate and flavorful small bites typical of Chinese cuisine, continue to captivate gourmets around the world. For those interested in learning more...

Ramen, the emblematic dish of Japanese cuisine, has captivated the world with its richness and diversity. Originally from China, ramen was adapted by Japan to...

Perfect for impressing guests or for a family dinner, this recipe brings a delicious balance between tradition and innovation, wrapping your meal in a rich blend of textures and flavors.

Thai cuisine is renowned for its bold and balanced flavors, blending sweet, salty, sour, and spicy. Today, Maison Marmite invites you on a culinary journey...

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