The Spanakotyropita, a flavorful and comforting dish, finds its roots in the rich culinary tradition of Greece, a country also renowned for its captivating myths...
According to legend, Zeus, the supreme god of Greek mythology, transformed himself into a magnificent white bull to seduce and abduct Princess Europa. Inspired by...
Ta'ameyas, often known as Egyptian falafels, are a staple of street food in the Middle East. These delightful patties, crispy on the outside and soft...
Batata Harra is a popular Lebanese dish known for its spicy potatoes and distinctive flavor. This dish, primarily consisting of sautéed potatoes with garlic and...
Baba Ganoush is a richly flavored Middle Eastern dish, renowned for its creamy texture and smoky aroma. The name "Baba Ganoush," of Arabic origin, often...
Hummus is a Middle-eastern preparation made with, primarily, chickpeas; in Arabic hummus actually means chickpea. The origins of the recipe are claimed by quite a few nations, such as Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt and Syria but the first traces of the dish appear in the 8th century BC.
In the richness of Indian culture, where mythology and spirituality are closely intertwined with daily life, Lord Nandi, the faithful vehicle of the god Shiva,...
Our collection dedicated to Scandinavian flavors wouldn't be complete without a plant-based version of a Nordic classic: Gravlax. Traditionally made with marinated salmon, Gravlax is...
Root Vegetable Stew is the quintessential comfort dish, perfect for warming up the cold months. Flexible and adaptable, it allows for the integration of a...
Welcome to the world of Scandinavian flavors with our Vegan Köttbullar recipe, a plant-based take on the Swedish classic. These flavorful meatballs and their creamy...