Crêpes Suzette

Dive into the world of Crêpes Suzette, a jewel of French cuisine that continues to delight gourmets. More than just a dessert, it’s a true tradition straight from the most elegant tables. The story behind its name, shrouded in mystery and anecdotes, adds to its charm.

The most famous story, as recounted by Henri Charpentier, reveals their accidental creation in 1895 while serving the Prince of Wales and his guests. An unexpected flame that ignited the orange and liqueur sauce gave birth to a new confectionery, named “Crêpes Suzette” in honor of a young woman present. This fortuitous event not only marked the birth of an iconic dessert but also transformed a mistake into a culinary triumph, celebrated worldwide ever since.

What makes this recipe special is the care given to the batter. The resting time is not just for show: it ensures delightfully fluffy crepes, allowing the flavors to fully develop. It’s akin to letting a good bottle of wine breathe, and the result is well worth it.

And what about the Suzette sauce? A bold mix of orange and liqueur, flambéed right before your eyes. At Maison Marmite, we love revisiting classics with a modern twist. Prepare to dazzle your guests with this dish that is much more than a simple crepe. It’s an invitation to discover or rediscover the richness of French cuisine, in a friendly and warm spirit.

Crêpes Suzette

Dive into the world of Crêpes Suzette, a jewel of French cuisine that continues to delight gourmets. More than just a dessert, it's a true tradition straight from the most elegant tables.
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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Temps de repos 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine French
Servings 2 Servings


Ingredients for the crepes:

  • 220 g all-purpose flour
  • 30 g cornstarch or Maïzena
  • 500 ml plant-based milk (almond, soy, oat, etc.)
  • A pinch of salt
  • 40 g sugar
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil for the batter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional, to add a bit of fragrance)
  • A few tablespoons of vegetable oil for cooking

Ingredients for the Suzette sauce:

  • 100 ml freshly squeezed orange juice (about 2-3 oranges, depending on their size and juiciness)
  • Zest of one orange
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable butter or margarine
  • 2 tablespoons Grand Marnier or another orange liqueur
  • 1 tablespoon cognac (optional, but traditional in Suzette recipes)


Instructions for the crepes:

  • Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl: flour, cornstarch, salt, and sugar.
  • Mix the liquid ingredients in another bowl: plant-based milk, vegetable oil, and vanilla extract.
  • Make a well in the center of the dry mixture and gradually pour in the liquid mixture while stirring to achieve a smooth and homogeneous batter.
  • Let the batter rest at room temperature for about 60 minutes, if possible, to allow the ingredients to blend well.
  • Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat and lightly brush it with vegetable oil.
  • Pour a ladle of batter into the hot pan and tilt it to spread the batter evenly.
  • Cook the crepes until golden on each side, then keep them warm.

Instructions for the Suzette sauce:

  • In a large pan or skillet, combine the orange juice, orange zest, and sugar. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Add the vegetable butter to the sauce and stir until melted and incorporated, creating a slightly thickened sauce.
  • Carefully pour the Grand Marnier and cognac into the pan. If you're comfortable with the flambé technique, carefully ignite the alcohol with a long match or lighter to flambé. Let the flames extinguish naturally as the alcohol burns, giving the sauce its characteristic aroma.


  • Once the flame is out, place the crepes in the pan one by one, coating them with sauce or fold them into quarters (into a triangle shape) before adding them to the sauce. Briefly reheat them in the sauce to soak up the flavors.
  • Serve immediately, drizzling with extra sauce if desired.


  • For a spectacular service, perform the flambé in front of your guests. However, make sure to do it safely, away from any flammable objects. If you prefer to avoid alcohol, you can omit the flambé. The crepes will still be delicious without this step.
Keyword Traditional food
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A recipe proposed by Maison Marmite